This short tutorial will explain how to get a reverse shell on two common web applications: WordPress and Joomla.
Both of these require authentication so it is assumed that credentials were already gained via another vulnerability such as LFI and a reverse shell on Tom cat, another common web app
Both WordPress and Joomla reverse shells are obtained in the same way. Since both allow the authenticated user to execute PHP code, we can write in a reverse shell and activate it. WordPress uses plugins to do this and Joomla uses what it calls ‘templates’. As an aside, I’m very familiar with WordPress (this site uses it) and I’ve seen a lot of other sites using WordPress, although admittedly I haven’t seen Joomla before starting on HackTheBox. Maybe I just never noticed the websites that use it? Anyway, we will begin with getting a reverse shell on WordPress.
First, navigate to <url>/wp-admin/ for the default WordPress login page. You should be greeted with the following:
Log in with your credentials and you will be taken to the main dashboard.
Now click on ‘Plugins’ on the left-hand side and click ‘Installed Plugins’. There is a default plugin called ‘Hello-Dolly’, but you can use any plugin as long as you can execute it somehow. Click ‘Edit’ underneath the plugin.
We can now see the PHP code for the plugin we clicked on. All we need to do now is add in some PHP code to start a reverse shell.
copy and paste the PHP reverse shell one-liner from your cheatsheet and put in your IP details and choose a port number. On your own machine, open a netcast listener.
Next, click ‘Update File’ in the bottom left. It will say ‘File edited successfully’ at the top. Now go back to the plugins page and click ‘Activate’ to start the plugin.
and that's it, We have our reverse shell. Unfortunately only on www-data, so privilege's escalation will be required from her.
Next up is joomla! we’re going to do the same thing on Joomla except inside a ‘template’, not a plugin.
Head to <Url>/administrator/ and login using your credentials.
Now you’ll be on the admin panel (note it says ‘An error has Occurred’ on mine , I’m using the Enterprise box from HackTheBox to demonstrate this. Not sure why this has an error, but we’re logged in nonetheless).
You’ll now see a list of templates. Pick one to customize it.
To start our reverse shell, we need to edit one of the PHP files and then save and run this template. We’ll edit index.php. Add the reverse shell code to the index.php file and start your netcat listener.
Click the green ‘Save’ button. The shell may start now, but if not, click ‘Template Preview’.
And now we have a reverse shell in Joomla. As we can see, both WordPress and Joomla have basically the exact same method for getting a reverse shell. Both of these examples were using a one-liner reverse shell, but pentestmonkey also has a more complex and perhaps better reverse shell tool for PHP which can be found
#wordpress #php #reverse shell #shell #reverse #pentestmonkey #joomla #login #exploit #inject #hack #LFI #