Shodan Error: Please run “shodan init <api key>” before using this command
Jan 31, 2023
Hello hackers,
are you tried running shodan in kali Linux and got the shodan to init <api key> error?
Then keep reading…
To solve this error we’ll have to follow a few steps as mentioned below:
Step 1:
Create your account on shodan (if not created)
Step 2:
You'll receive activation mail from shodan,
now activate your account by clicking on that link.
Step 3:
After activating your account, log in to your account.
Step 4:
After log in click on Account tab.
Step 5:
You’ll see your API Key there, now copy that API key
Step 6:
Now open terminal in your Kali Linux and below command :
shodan init < paste your API Key, copied in Step 5 and
press enter>As shown below :
That’s it, now you're good to go…!!!!!
Thanks for reading..!!